SOLD in 30 days Guarantee
Our Sold in 30 Days plan is as simple as this: We guarantee to sell your home in 30 days or we will sell it for free, meaning we will not charge you a commission on our side of the transaction.
No gimmicks, No Excuses, Guaranteed.
Details of Sold in 30 Day plan:
The asking price is mutually agreed to by Xavier & the Seller.
Seller agrees to implement our staging advice.
Seller makes home available to view Monday to Sunday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Seller will agree to 1 price reduction that is agreed to in advance which will be implemented on day 16.
Other terms and exclusions:
Sold is defined as an executed purchase agreement.
The guarantee is null and void if the seller rejects an acceptable offer within 5% of the current asking price.
If not sold within the 30 day period, Capital Group Real Estate will not charge the Seller a listing broker commission, the seller will only pay an admin and advertising fee of $1,495 to the listing broker.
A 2.5% commission is still payable to the Buyer’s broker.
Some rural areas are excluded from this offer.
Some condos are excluded from this offer
Foreclosures & Power of Sale homes are excluded from this offer
SOLD in 30 Days or we Sell it for FREE!